Cooperation! Exchange! Communication!
Welcome to NTMIM 2023!



The International Conference on Non-Traditional Machining and Intelligent Manufacturing (NTMIM 2023) will be held in Xi'an from March 24 to 26, 2023. The conference aims to provide a high-level international forum for engineers and scientists to present their new advances and research results. The keynote speech is as follows.

Keynote Speech

Brief  introduction of keynote speakers (CV or web link reference are appreciated if available) :

1. Prof. Cheng Kai

Professor Cheng Kai was appointed as Chair Professor in Manufacturing Systems and Head of Advanced Manufacturing & Enterprise Engineering (AMEE) Department at Brunel University since 2006. Professor Cheng’s academic experience in precision engineering research and education has been accumulated through working extensively with industry internationally and also benefited from working in different institutions and international contexts.

Professor Cheng’s current research interests focus on design of high precision machines, ultra-precision and micro manufacturing, smart tooling and smart machining, and sustainable manufacturing systems. He is currently leading the Micro/Nano Manufacturing Theme at Brunel University and working on a number of research projects funded by the EPSRC, NATEP Program, RAEng, Innovate UK program, EU Horizon 2020 Programs, and the industry. Professor Cheng and his team have enjoyed working closely with industrial companies in the UK, Europe, USA and Far East. The Ultra-Mill – a 5-axis CNC ultra-precision machine jointly developed by his team at Brunel and UMP Ltd (a UK company) is a milestone research outcome, well received by researchers and practitioners in ultra-precision and micro manufacturing community worldwide. Over the last  10  years, Professor Cheng and his AMEE team has built up  an international center  of excellence in precision engineering at Brunel, as evidenced by the team’s research outcomes and academic track records. AMEE was involved in 2008 RAE and 2014 REF General Engineering unit submission and ranked well in the country.

2. Prof. Chen YangQuan

Prof. Chen YangQuan, ME/EECS/SNRI/HSRI, School of Eng’g, 5200 North Lake Road, Merced CA 95348, USA , University of California, Merced (UCM) E-mail:,, Nanyang Technological Univ., Singapore, Ph.D., 1998, major: Advanced Control & Instrumentation, Beijing Institute of Technology, China, M.S., 1989, major: Control Theory & Applications, Univ. of Sci. and Tech. of Beijing, China, B.S.,1985, major: Industrial Automation.

Co-Chair, IEEE Robot and Automation Society, TC Aerial Robotics and UAVs (2012-18), Best Journal Paper Award, Control Engineering Practice (IFAC World Congress 2011), 1st Place Award, AUVSI Student UAS Competition 2011, Maryland ($13400 cash prize); 1st Place Award again, 2009, Maryland ($14000); 2nd Place Award, 2008, Maryland ($8000). Program Chair, Int. Conference on Unmanned Aerial Systems (ICUAS’13), Atlanta, GA, USA; General Co-Chair for ICUAS’14, Orlando, FL. ICUAS Executive Committee Member. 2016, 2017 as well, Chair & Organizer, Int. Symp. On Small UAV Tech. and Applications (SUAVTA) under MESA, 2009, (San Diego), 2010 (Qingdao, China), 2011 (Washington DC), 2012 (Suzhou, CN), 2013 (Portland, OR, USA); 2014 Italy, 2015 Boston, 2016 New Zealand, 2017 Cleveland. ASME DED TC MESA Chair (2009-10).

3. Professor Xiang Wei

Wei Xiang (S’00–M’04–SM’10) received the B.Eng. and M.Eng. degrees, both in electronic engineering, from the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu, China, in 1997 and 2000, respectively, and the Ph.D. degree in telecommunications engineering from the University of South Australia, Adelaide, Australia, in 2004.

He is currently Foundation Professor and Head of Discipline Internet of Things Engineering in the College of Science and Engineering at James Cook University, Cairns, Australia. During 2004 and 2015, he was with the School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, University of Southern Queensland, Toowoomba, Australia. He is a Fellow of the IET and an elected Fellow of Engineers Australia. He received the TNQ Innovation Award in November 2016. He was a co-recipient of three Best Paper Awards at 2015 WCSP, 2011 IEEE WCNC, and 2009 ICWMC. He has been awarded several prestigious fellowship titles. He was named a Queensland International Fellow (2010-2011) by the Queensland Government of Australia, an Endeavour Research Fellow (2012-2013) by the Commonwealth Government of Australia, a Smart Futures Fellow (2012-2015) by the Queensland Government of Australia, and a JSPS Invitational Fellow jointly by the Australian Academy of Science and Japanese Society for Promotion of Science (2014-2015). He is the Vice Chair of the IEEE Northern Australia Section. He is an Editor for IEEE Communications Letters, and an Associate Editor for Springer’s Telecommunications Systems. He has published over 200 papers in peer-reviewed journal and conference papers. His research interests are in the broad area of communications and information theory, particularly coding and signal processing for multimedia communications systems.

Some more keynote speakers are selecting, please contact with the committee.

This theme conference will be a continuous series, held annually or biennially, and could be held in different regions, if you are interested in hosting the conference, please contact the organizing committee. Scholars from all over the world are welcome to participate in this session to realize the purpose: Cooperation! Exchange! Communication!


